Get married at Beckov Castle Romantic wedding
in the historic chapel

You can also get married at Beckov Castle and add a touch of history to the memorial day, namely in the premises of the restored Gothic castle chapel.

Contact us

Procedure for the organization Castle Weddings


Application for marriage

Send a request for marriage in the castle chapel to email the preferred date of the ceremony and other requirements (music, decor, specifics).

Confirmation of the term

After confirming the date of the castle, it is necessary to contact the Beckov registry office at tel.: 032 77427 21. The registry office will confirm the free term, agree on a specific time and all the necessary requisites.


Tenancy agreement

After specifying the date and time, inform the castle again and you will receive a lease agreement.

Rent and specific services

Basic chapel rental: 200€ (rental of space and provision of decoration, possible modification to your liking).

Specific services:

  • Dobová či živá hudba
  • Donesenie obrúčok dravcom

These specific services can affect the rental price. If you have other specific requirements, introduce them in the application and we will be happy to meet you.

The premises of the chapel allow Maximum of 50 guests.

photo: Facebook/Martin Kraus Photography

Get in touch us

Registration office in Beckov:

Phone no.: 032 77427 21
032 77427 21


Wedding Ceremony Reservations and Other Information:

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