Sightseeing tours Beckov Castle with interpretation and legends
The visit to Beckov Castle can be done individually or with a guide (during the summer and weekends in the months of March - September), interpretation is included in the price of admission. In the checkout area, the visitor can also download an audio recording with an interpretation of the history of the castle and two legends via a QR code.individuálne alebo spolu so sprievodcom (počas leta a víkendov v mesiacoch marec – september), pričom výklad je zahrnutý v cene vstupného. V priestore pokladne si prostredníctvom QR kódu môže návštevník stiahnuť aj zvukovú nahrávku s výkladom histórie hradu a dvoma legendami.
Beckov Castle offers two tourist circuits within its area.dva turistické okruhy.
Vstup do areálu hradu (okrem expozície v západnom paláci) s možnosťou komentovanej prehliadky. Výklad zameraný na dejiny a architektúru hradu a stredovekú každodennosť.
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This circuit is open today 9am — 4pm
víkend: spravidla každú hodinu od 9:30 do 16:30
Tour duration: 45 min
At least 4 people over 10 years old
The tour starts in the lower courtyard of the castle at the stage at the appointed times
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This circuit is open today 9am — 4pm
víkend: každých 20 minút od 9:20 do 17:20 
Tour duration: 45 min
At least 4 people over 10 years old
The tour starts in the lower courtyard of the castle at the stage at the appointed times
Program for schools
In addition to the traditional guided tours of the castle, schools and children's camps can choose from the offer of several specialized tours and programs for pupils from primary to secondary school.
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This circuit is open today 9am — 4pm
Tour duration: 45 min
At least 4 people over 10 years old
The tour starts in the lower courtyard of the castle at the stage at the appointed times