What you can discoverat Beckovsky Castle?
In addition to the beautiful ruins of the Gothic castle, you will see:
In the lower courtyard you will findsiege slingshot — trebuchet.You will also discover herea period blacksmith's hut,where you will see demonstrations of traditional techniques, but you can also mint a commemorative coin with a Beckov motif.
In the adjacent buildings there is an Exhibition of Archaeology and Construction Development of Repairs to the Castle, in which you can find collectibles from the Trenčín Museum in Trenčín. In addition, there is also a panel exhibition about the owners of Beckov Castle — from the Stiborovs to the Composesorate in the 17th century.
In the premises of the upper castle you can see an exhibition of medieval kitchens, where you will find out what, with what, but also what was cooked and eaten in the medieval castle kitchens.
You can also enjoy a wooden statue of a dragon named Blundus guarding the castle well, and in the chapel you can admire a copy of the Gothic statue known as the Beckov Madonna.