hrad Beckov

Miesto opradené legendami, ktoré treba navštíviť. Objavte jedinečnú atmosféru, spoznajte bohatú históriou a obdivujte krásy hradu Beckov.

Rich history
Beckov Castle boasts a rich history that dates back centuries
Magnificent location
Perched on a limestone rock, Beck's Castle provides breathtaking panoramic views of the surrounding landscapes
Architectural gem
The castle itself is a fascinating architectural gem that combines different styles such as Romanesque and Gothic
Cultural heritage
Beckov Castle is an important part of Slovak cultural heritage, offering a view of the medieval way of life





For children


Najvyhľadávanejšie služby

Instructions for Achieving Beckov Castle

Beckov Castle is located in the picturesque village of Beckov in the Trenčín region, in the west of Slovakia. The castle is situated on a high limestone rock, which is visible from a distance and offers a magnificent view of the surrounding Považie.

Castle experiences, history, interactivity, music

Spoznajte hrad Beckov vo všetkých jeho podobách. Navštívte naše podujatia, ktoré zapoja všetky vaše zmysly. Baví nás prinášať návštevníkom čo najlepšie zážitky aj s využitím interaktívnych prvkov, ktoré ozvláštnia prehliadku hradu.

Our newsaktuality

Since April, the castle is open every day from 9:00 to 18:00. Commented tours on weekends and for booked groups.

Hľadáme pokladníka/pokladníčku

Hrad Beckov hľadá na obdobie apríl až október 2025 pokladníka/pokladníčku do hradnej pokladne.

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Počas jarných prázdnin je hrad Beckov otvorený.

Počas jarných prázdnin pre kraje (BA, TT, NR) v termíne 24.-28.2. a pre kraje (TN, ZA, BB) v termíne 3.-7.3. bude hrad otvorený denne.

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The most common Questions

Is it possible to come with a dog?
Engage all your senses. The experience of the castle will appeal to your tastes by serving period cuisine during events or thanks to good coffee or summer cold drinks served in the castle cafe. Our approach is also focused on interactivity, so we try to make as many things as possible for you to try by hand.
Where can I park at your place?
Engage all your senses. The experience of the castle will appeal to your tastes by serving period cuisine during events or thanks to good coffee or summer cold drinks served in the castle cafe. Our approach is also focused on interactivity, so we try to make as many things as possible for you to try by hand.
Is the castle barrier-free?
Hrad Beckov je bezbariérový iba po prvé nádvorie, kde sú k dispozícii aj soc. zariadenia. Nutné je však prísť zo sprievodom. Prístup na hrad je do kopca, cesta je spevnená ale nie je bez nerovností.
Is it possible to eat at your place?
Engage all your senses. The experience of the castle will appeal to your tastes by serving period cuisine during events or thanks to good coffee or summer cold drinks served in the castle cafe. Our approach is also focused on interactivity, so we try to make as many things as possible for you to try by hand.
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