Education at the Castle:Programs for schools and camps
In addition to the traditional guided tours of the castle, schools and children's camps can choose from the offer of several specialized tours and programs for pupils from primary to secondary school.
For organizational reasons, we would like to ask school tours or larger groups of tourists to book a guided tour well in advance or tel.: 032/774 27 2
Price list for school tours and camps
pupils of the secondary school:
Primary school students:
pupils of secondary and secondary education
Pedagogical supervision:
1x free for every 15 children
Elementary school, secondary school: 10% discount for groups of more than 10 pupils
Mali Villagers: (3-5 years; duration and type of activities by agreement)
Spend the morning at the castle!
Simplified tour of the castle and its history with emphasis on curiosities and legends associated with games, creative and movement activities with animators (knowledge games, “period” dances, splits, painting of coats of arms, etc.) for kindergartens.
Childish circuit: (recommended age 8 — 13 years; max 60 min)
The history of everyday life in the medieval castle for elementary school pupils.
Knightsky Tournament:(recommended age 13-18 years; 90 min)
Learn the virtues of chivalry through a tournament that will strengthen not only the relationships in the group, but also the knowledge of medieval chivalry.

The class will go through several disciplines of the knightly tournament and, through their own experience, quests and guide/guide, will become familiar with the life of medieval knights, their function in society. The event also functions as a teambuilding activity, as all tasks are based on cooperation and mutual assistance within groups.
Sacral path: (13 — 100 years; 1.5 — 2.5 hours)
The tour will take you through the castle and the village and reveal the religious history of the Kingdom of Hungary through the prism of the sacred buildings of Beckov.