Circuit A
Bol includes a one-time entrance to the entire castle grounds (that is, what contains the entrance CIRCUIT A), where you can move freely, and a tour of the exposition of the Western Palace on the first above-ground floor.BEZ expozície na prvom podlaží západného paláca). Hrad si môžete prejsť individuálne (dostanete textového sprievodcu) alebo v rámci komentovanej prehliadky.
Buy ticket
Included Circuit A are:
Premises and exposition of the lower courtyard and the castle well, within the upper castle:
  • The basement of the Western Palace with exhibition of the ruins of the castle
  • Bergfried s výstavou dobovej kuchyne
  • Knight's Hall showoriacimi imagesInteractive exhibition of everyday life
  • A western bastion where you can try on ring shirts
  • Lapidarium with a copy of the epitaph of Stibor mld.
  • northern palace withperiod board games
Okruh A môžete absolvovať sami alebo so sprievodcom
  • Tour length: 20 min
  • Personnel limit: maximum 25 people
  • Language Mutations:
  • SJ
  • AJ (on request:
  • The tour begins at the staircase to the Knights Hall of the Western Palace
Časy komentovaných prehliadok Okruh A: 
  • MAREC - JÚN (víkendy): 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
  • JÚL - AUGUST (pracovné dni): 9:30, 11:00, 13:00, 14:30, 16:00
  • JÚL - AUGUST (víkendy): 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
  • SEPTEMBER - OKTÓBER (víkendy): 9:30, 10:30, 11:30, 12:30, 13:30, 14:30, 15:30, 16:30
The tour begins at the staircase to the Knight's Hall of the Western Palace (on Castle Map No. 14) in
On weekdays, the Tour of Circuit A follows the Tour of Circuit B. You don't have to pass it.
Circuit A works as follows: April-June, September-October — on weekends. In the months of July-August throughout the week at predetermined times.
For organizational reasons, we ask school tours or larger groups of tourists to book a guided tour well in advance.
Other tour circuits
The number of entrances to the Western Palace exhibition is limited to 25 people - tickets can therefore be purchased in advance online.
More information
This circuit is open today 9am — 4pm
víkend: každých 20 minút od 9:20 do 17:20
Tour duration: 45 min
At least 4 people over 10 years old
The tour starts in the lower courtyard of the castle at the stage at the appointed times